So its time for me to let you know how things are going!
I have been diligently taking my drops every day without fail. Ive got the process down pat. I keep the bottle sitting in an old measuring cup on a little old tray. This product does stain benchtops and cloth so please be careful! I dispense my drops into a mug of warm water on the sink after the bottle has been sitting in hot tap water for about 2 minutes. This helps the drops dispense perfectly and I can ensure an accurate dose.
Since I last wrote I had to reduce my drops down to 5 daily. One amazing and profound effect is that I am detoxing out the mercury, aluminium and nickel that were found to be in high levels in my body from a hair mineral analysis. Its not easy and some days the effects of this (numb face, tingling arms and legs, anxiety and feeling my nervous system so on edge) are very disconcerting. I use 2 t of activated charcoal in a large glass of water to reduce the symptoms. Each time I increase the drops the symptoms come again but not quite as strong so I am cautiously optimistic that these drops will help me rid myself of these industrial poisons I have had since childhood.
OK, other more positive things!
Brain function improved immensely.
All food sensitivities gone and gut inflammation healed. I can now eat a bit of cheese with no effects and even a piece of sourdough here and there.
I dont need my sunglasses when outside as much as I did! My eyes were so sensitive to light I would even wear them inside sometimes!
My tinnitus and hearing are improving. After sustaining damage to my right ear from a virus and losing 90% of my hearing in left ear due to a small tumour, hearing had become a real issue. I now no longer need my hearing aid in noisy places, the tinnitus is much quieter and manageable. So YAY!
Deep pain in the muscles around my left should gone. The physio said it was mild frozen shoulder and it really hurt! So grateful that is better.
More energy and stamina. I can now do 15 mins regularly on my stationary bike and feel much more able to keep up with chores, housework, the clinic and even get out and about more. Many things I had to let go like my love of singing, Im about to start back into so that exciting!
Other clients experiences:
Blood sugars back into the normal range daily (5s) after continually being 7 or 8 even with supplements.
Swelling and pained reduced in rheumatoid arthritic joints.
General pain and inflammation decreasing and more energyÂ
I hope to gather more of these soon as more clients come back and report what they are experiencing.
The drops are superior to anything else I have even taken for pain and inflammation and are easy to take daily.
I feel they are something almost everyone could or should be taking as inflammation is at the heart of why so many organs and glands start to dysfunction.
Nanofy is $75 for a 30 day supply and we are offering bulk packs at a discounted rate if you love it and know that you will want to continue taking it or want to give to family and friends.
You can buy directly from our website:
Yours in health.
Cherie xx