ADHD...we are getting great results with our clients, young and old, using herbal and nutritional medicine.
These medicines can be used alongside prescribed medication if needed to get a better outcome.
With two children of my own recently diagnosed with ADHD in their 20s its become a very personal challenge to better understand the signs and symptoms and the way it affect their lives. Many of their idiosyncratic behaviours and challenges have now become obvious signs that their brains are wired a bit differently. I could never understand how one child can concentrate for 8 hours straight on a craft project and produce the most intricate and finely crafted object but walking past their bedroom you could wonder if a tornado just went through. Ha! Or another child's indecisiveness about a study path, completing some then changing direction then changing again until finally settling on a career I would never have imagined for them. As a Mum its an interesting ride trying to help them navigate life without being overly worried or intrusive.
These things help!
1. Loving acceptance of their journey as an individual with no time pressures. I always wanted to grow up SOOO fast but my children are happy to take their time and as parents, we feel grateful we can support them in many ways.
2. Nutritional and herbal medicines to help correct and encourage their brains to make more of the neurotransmitters they really
need like dopamine and serotonin. We custom make medicines for young and old to support their bodies. These can be taken alongside medication.
3. A low stress environment as the stress response depletes already fragile amounts of dopamine and serotonin and can worsen symptoms of anxiety, depression, poor concentration and cognition.
4. A meaningful focus on things they truly love. One of mine is a whizz at Japanese, the language and culture. She is now studying part time to head in the direction of using her love of and skills at Japanese, wherever that may lead.
5. Looking at gut health and general nutritional status. Some well aimed blood tests can tell us a lot about what is depleted and then we can work at improving diet and implementing some supplements. Fussiness, issues with taste and texture, hyper focusing on one or two food groups can means their bodies are not getting all they need to feel their best mentally and physically.
If you have someone you know and love that you suspect may have ADHD or they have been formally diagnosed but you still need support, please come and see us. As a team we work together to bring the best outcomes for all our clients.
Cherie and Bridget xxx
